Monday 18 February 2013

OUGD406- Workshop Brief: Indesign (Hedgehog) Double page spread

Double page spread  

For this brief I am required to design a double page spread based upon the subject matter, 'Hedgehog.' The article must have 500 words and contain at least three images.



I created some simple illustrations in illustrator to work along side the type and images. 


Layout Experiments

I set up my document with a three column grid and three rows of guides to break it down into nine sections.

I think the two designs above look a bit to formal and too structured for the age group I am aiming it at. I asked some of my peers and they agreed so I decided to leave out the large image of the hedgehog and focus more on the illustration.

I still think this design looks too structured with the columns of text.

I tried a more free-flowing layout which I think works much better as children's magazines jump from one section to the next in an unorthodox way.

After working more with grids in my design principle lessons, I tried using an 8 field grid as it allows for more variations. I much prefer this grid system.

I kept experimenting with the layout because I wasn't happy with the balance between the images and text.

Final Design

This is my final layout. Im happy with the balance now, between the images and the text.

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