Monday 5 November 2012

OUGD403 Message and Delivery: Research 2

What statement/fact/question are you intending to communicate?

I want to communicate nature overcoming the grievous  mistakes of mankind.

What is the tone?
  • Positive
  • Inspiring 
  • serious 

Who are your audience?

  • I will aim my work towards young adults aged 18-25.
  • People interested in nature/wildlife

Type content ideas 

I started off by writing some ideas for the text. I wanted it to be short and punchy whilst communicating the message as clearly as possible.

Poster Content

Visual Research and Development

Initial sketches and ideas


I like the bottom left thumbnail in the image above. It has given me the idea to base my posters on warning signs as they are high impact. Im thinking of using a stencil font and a bold font to create a militant looking style.


I wanted to include the nuclear symbol because it's instantly recognisable and communicates the subject well. I like the idea of combining the nuclear symbol with a symbol that represents animals. For example a paw print.

Type and Image

The top left above has the most impact,simplicity and is in keeping with the signage theme.

Out of the thumbnails I think these are the most appropriate for the brief. I have decided to develop these ideas further because I think simplicity works best to achieve immediate high impact. I have chosen to display my posters landscape because I wont them to look like warning signs.

Final Designs

I chose to use yellow and black for the colour scheme to mimic the nuclear warning symbol. 

The fonts I have used are Impact and Stencil. I enlarged the point size of key words within the statement to reinforce the message. Finally I added lines to break up the text to make it easier to read. 

The tried the original thumbnail idea but it didnt look right so I used negative space to combine the two symbols. I think this works better in communicating the message. 

This poster links to the image poster to explain the message clearly. 

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